Parâmetros Retornados
Métodos de abertura de porta - Open Door Method
Code | Authentication Method |
0 | by password |
1 | by access card |
2 | by access card and then password |
3 | by password and then access card |
4 | by remote unlocking |
5 | by Exit Button |
6 | by fingerprint |
7 | by password and access card and fingerprint together |
8 | by password and fingerprint together |
9 | by access card and fingerprint together |
10 | reserved |
11 | by multiple access user |
12 | by key |
13 | by duress password |
14 | by QR code, local |
15 | by face recognition, local |
16 | reserved |
17 | by ID card |
18 | by face and ID card |
19 | by Bluetooth |
20 | by custom password |
21 | by UserId and password |
22 | by face and password |
23 | by fingerprint and password |
24 | by fingerprint and face |
25 | by access card and face |
26 | by face or password |
27 | by fingerprint or password |
28 | by fingerprint or face |
29 | by access card or face |
30 | by access card or fingerprint |
31 | by fingerprint and face and password |
32 | by access card and face and password |
33 | by access card and fingerprint and password |
34 | by access card and fingerprint and face |
35 | by fingerprint or face or password |
36 | by access card or face or password |
37 | by access card or fingerprint or face |
38 | by access card and fingerprint and face and password |
39 | by access card or fingerprint or face or password |
40 | by ID card and face, or access card or face |
41 | by ID card or QR code or face |
43 | by QR code, remote |
44 | by face recognition, remote |
45 | by ID card (match with fingerprint in ID card) |
46 | by temporary password |
47 | by health code |
Códigos de Erro Eventos - Error Codes
Código | Descrição do erro |
0 | No error |
16 | Unauthorized |
17 | Card lost or cancelled |
18 | No permission of this gate |
19 | Open Door mode is wrong |
20 | Expiration date error |
21 | Anti-passback mode |
22 | Duress alarm not open |
23 | Door NC status |
24 | AB interlock status |
25 | Patrol card |
32 | Time period error |
33 | Wrong opening time during holidays |
64 | The card is correct, the password is incorrect |
65 | The card is correct, the password timed out |
66 | The card is correct, the fingerprint is wrong |
67 | The card is correct, the fingerprint timed out |
68 | The fingerprint is correct, the password is incorrect |
69 | The fingerprint is correct, and the password timed out |
70 | UserID is correct, wrong password |
71 | UserID is correct, input password timed out |
82 | Single user combination to open the door requires continued verification |
96 | Wainting remote verification |
97 | The card is correct, the face is wrong |
98 | The card is correct, the face timed out |
99 | Repeat entry |
101 | High temperature |
102 | Not wearing a mask |
162 | Single user combination door open sequencie is wrong |
164 | User status error (frozen) |
165 | Guest usage time is full |
169 | Illegal card overtime |
Códigos de Erro Requests
Dispositivos em firmware mais recentes podem retornar os seguintes códigos de erros como resposta as requisições
Código | Decimal | Descrição |
accessControlErrorInvalidCredential | 286064897 | //Invalid credentials |
accessControlErrorInvalidPassword | 286064898 | //wrong password |
accessControlErrorInvalidFingerprintData | 286064899 | //The issued fingerprint data is wrong |
accessControlErrorInvalidFaceData | 286064900 | //The issued face data is wrong |
accessControlErrorInvalidCardData | 286064901 | //The issued card data is incorrect |
accessControlErrorInvalidUserData | 286064902 | //The issued user data is wrong |
accessControlErrorGetSubServiceFailed | 286064903 | //Failed to get capability set sub-service |
accessControlErrorGetServiceMethodsFailed | 286064904 | //Failed to get service method |
accessControlErrorGetSubCapsFailed | 286064905 | //Failed to get sub-capability set |
accessControlErrorExceedMaxCapacity | 286064912 | //Exceeds the maximum capacity of the device |
accessControlErrorExceedMaxInsertRate | 286064913 | //The maximum insertion speed allowed by the device has been reached |
accessControlErrorEraseFingerprintFailed | 286064914 | //Fingerprint data purge failed when deleting users |
accessControlErrorEraseFaceFailed | 286064915 | //Face data purging fails when deleting users |
accessControlErrorEraseCardFailed | 286064916 | // Card data purging fails when deleting users |
accessControlErrorNoRecords | 286064917 | //record does not exist |
accessControlErrorNoMoreRecords | 286064918 | //no more records |
accessControlErrorDuplicateRecord | 286064918 | //The record already exists. The record already exists when the card or fingerprint data is issued. |
accessControlErrorExceedMaxFingerPrintsPerUser | 286064920 | //Exceeds the maximum number of fingerprints that an user can enroll |
accessControlErrorExceedMaxCardsPerUser | 286064921 | //Exceeds the maximum number of cards that an user can enroll |
accessControlErrorExtractFaceEigenvalueFailed | 286064922 | //Failed to extract face feature value |
accessControlErrorMaxPhotoFileSizeExceeded | 286064923 | //Maximum file size limit exceeded |
accessControlErrorMaxFacePhotosExceeded | 286064924 | //Exceeded maximum number of face photos |
accessControlErrorRelevantUserNotFound | 286064925 | //The User corresponding to the data does not exist |
accessControlErrorPhotoAlreadyExist | 286064926 | //Photo already exists |
accessControlErrorInvalidPhotoFormat | 286064927 | //The photo is in the wrong format, such as the wrong header of the jpg file |
accessControlErrorExceedMaxManagerUser | 286064928 | //Exceeded maximum number of administrators |
accessControlErrorUserAlreadyExist | 286064929 | //User already exists |
accessControlErrorCardAlreadyExist | 286064930 | //Card number already exists |
accessControlErrorFingerprintAlreadyExist | 286064931 | //Fingerprint already exists |
accessControlErrorCitizenIDNoAlreadyExist | 286064932 | //Citizen ID number already exists |
accessControlErrorFingerprintDownloadFail | 286064933 | // Failed to download fingerprint through URL download method |
accessControlErrorNotSupportNormalUser | 286064934 | //Does not support issue ordinary users |
accessControlErrorAccountInUse | 286064935 | //Account is logging in |
businessCommonErrorBadRequest | 268632321 | ///< The state machine of the device, in the C state, the device does not accept the service requests that are only available in the B state. |
businessCommonErrorInvalidArgs | 268632322 | ///The parameter value, quantity, type, range, etc. do not meet the requirements |
businessCommonErrorInProgress | 268632323 | ///The business is being processed, and repeated business requests are not accepted. |
businessCommonErrorUnKnownError | 268632324 | //An unknown error occurred during business processing |
businessCommonErrorNoResource | 268632325 | // Insufficient resources during processing of business requests |
businessCommonErrorUnSupported | 268632326 | //This service is currently not supported |
businessCommonErrorTimeout | 268632327 | //Business processing timed out |
businessCommonErrorTooManyRequests | 268632328 | //Too many business requests issued |
businessCommonErrorRequestedTooMuchData | 268632329 | //Too much data was fetched for the device to process |
businessCommonErrorBatchProcessError | 268632336 | //An error occurred during the batch execution of the business |
businessCommonErrorOperationCancelled | 268632337 | //For some reason, the business was canceled |
businessCommonErrorDeviceWarmUP | 268632577 | //The device is not ready for business processing |
businessCommonErrorDeviceInvalid | 268632578 | //The device model is incorrect or due to customization, so that further processing cannot be performed |
businessCommonErrorDeviceUnavailable | 268632579 | //Unable to get device status information |
COMPONENT_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND | 268632064 | //Component interface not found |
COMPONENT_IMPLEMENT_CLASS_NOT_FOUND | 268632065 | //Component implementation class not found |
CLIENT_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND | 268632066 | //Required client component not found |
CLIENT_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND | 268632067 | //Client instance does not exist |
NOT_LOGIN_YET | 268632068 | //No login |
TRYING_NON_BLOCKING_LOGIN | 268632069 | //Non-blocking login, trying |
USER_NAME_NOT_VALID | 268632070 | //Invalid username |
PASSWORD_NOT_VALID | 268632071 | //Invalid password |
PEER_HAS_BEEN_BLOCKED | 268632072 | //Address blocked |
PEER_IN_BLACKLIST | 268632073 | //Address in blacklist |
USER_NAME_HAS_BEEN_USED | 268632074 | //Username is already in use and cannot be reused |
TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS | 268632075 | //Exceeded the maximum number of user connections |
AUTHORITY_NOT_ENOUGH | 268632076 | //No corresponding operation permission |
OBJECT_REATION_FAILED | 268632077 | //Component factory failed to create object |
GET_INSTANCE_FAILED | 268632078 | //Component factory failed to obtain instance |
LOGIN_CHALLENGE | 268632079 | //Login challenge, need to log in again according to the returned random string |
COMPONENT_METHOD_UNIMPLEMENTED | 268632080 | //Component interface method not implemented |
ACCOUNT_HAS_BEEN_LOCKED | 268632081 | //Account locked |
LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILED | 268632082 | //Network connection failed during login |
LOGIN_TIMEOUT | 268632083 | //Login connection successful, but response timed out |
LOGIN_FAILURE | 268632084 | //Login failed, reason unknown |
USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD_NOT_VALID | 268632085 | //Login failed, username or password incorrect (replaces error code 6, 7) |
LOGIN_DATA_NOT_INITIALIZE | 268632086 | //Login failed, no user initialized |
ADMIN_PASSOWRD_MUST_MODIFIED | 268632087 | //Login failed, admin user needs to change password by force |
LOGIN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT | 268632088 | //Login connection timed out |
PASSWORD_OVERDUE | 268632089 | //Login failed, password validity expired |
DUPLICATE_RECORD | 286064919 | //When issuing card or fingerprint data, the record already exists |
Tipos de eventos retornados
Code | Descrição do evento |
Upgrade | Evento ocorre quando o dispositivo inicia uma atualização de firmware |
Reboot | Evento de reinício do dispositivo |
BreakIn | Evento de arrombamento de porta |
DoorStatus | Evento de status da porta |
AlarmLocal | Evento de disparo de alarme local |
NewFile | Evento de cadastro de arquivo no dispositivo |
UpdateFile | Evento de Atualização de arquivo do dispositivo |
DoorNotClosed | Evento de porta não fechada |
NetworkChange | Evento de alteração de configurações da rede |
AccessControl | Evento de controle de acesso |
KeepLightOn / KeepLightOff | Evento referente a luz noturna que se ativa dependendo da iluminação do local |
ScreenSaver | Evento Referente ao estado da proteção de tela do dispositivo caso esteja configurada. |
TimeChange | Evento de alteração de hora do dispositivo normalmente acompanha o BeforeModifyTime e o ModifiedTime |
ManagerLog | Evento de logs referente a alteração feitas via interface web |
Button / ButtonExit | Evento referente ao botão de Saida |
Duress | Evento ocorre quando é realizado a passagem de uma credencial de coação |
ChassisIntruded | Evento ocorre quando é realizado a tentativa de intrusão do dispositivo (Remoção da parede/Tamper) |