Parâmetros Retornados nos eventos

Parâmetros Retornados

Métodos de abertura de porta - Open Door Method

CodeAuthentication Method
0by password
1by access card
2by access card and then password
3by password and then access card
4by remote unlocking
5by Exit Button
6by fingerprint
7by password and access card and fingerprint together
8by password and fingerprint together
9by access card and fingerprint together
11by multiple access user
12by key
13by duress password
14by QR code, local
15by face recognition, local
17by ID card
18by face and ID card
19by Bluetooth
20by custom password
21by UserId and password
22by face and password
23by fingerprint and password
24by fingerprint and face
25by access card and face
26by face or password
27by fingerprint or password
28by fingerprint or face
29by access card or face
30by access card or fingerprint
31by fingerprint and face and password
32by access card and face and password
33by access card and fingerprint and password
34by access card and fingerprint and face
35by fingerprint or face or password
36by access card or face or password
37by access card or fingerprint or face
38by access card and fingerprint and face and password
39by access card or fingerprint or face or password
40by ID card and face, or access card or face
41by ID card or QR code or face
43by QR code, remote
44by face recognition, remote
45by ID card (match with fingerprint in ID card)
46by temporary password
47by health code

Códigos de Erro Eventos - Error Codes

CódigoDescrição do erro
0No error
17Card lost or cancelled
18No permission of this gate
19Open Door mode is wrong
20Expiration date error
21Anti-passback mode
22Duress alarm not open
23Door NC status
24AB interlock status
25Patrol card
32Time period error
33Wrong opening time during holidays
64The card is correct, the password is incorrect
65The card is correct, the password timed out
66The card is correct, the fingerprint is wrong
67The card is correct, the fingerprint timed out
68The fingerprint is correct, the password is incorrect
69The fingerprint is correct, and the password timed out
70UserID is correct, wrong password
71UserID is correct, input password timed out
82Single user combination to open the door requires continued verification
96Wainting remote verification
97The card is correct, the face is wrong
98The card is correct, the face timed out
99Repeat entry
101High temperature
102Not wearing a mask
162Single user combination door open sequencie is wrong
164User status error (frozen)
165Guest usage time is full
169Illegal card overtime

Códigos de Erro Requests


Dispositivos em firmware mais recentes podem retornar os seguintes códigos de erros como resposta as requisições

accessControlErrorInvalidCredential286064897//Invalid credentials
accessControlErrorInvalidPassword286064898//wrong password
accessControlErrorInvalidFingerprintData286064899//The issued fingerprint data is wrong
accessControlErrorInvalidFaceData286064900//The issued face data is wrong
accessControlErrorInvalidCardData286064901//The issued card data is incorrect
accessControlErrorInvalidUserData286064902//The issued user data is wrong
accessControlErrorGetSubServiceFailed286064903//Failed to get capability set sub-service
accessControlErrorGetServiceMethodsFailed286064904//Failed to get service method
accessControlErrorGetSubCapsFailed286064905//Failed to get sub-capability set
accessControlErrorExceedMaxCapacity286064912//Exceeds the maximum capacity of the device
accessControlErrorExceedMaxInsertRate286064913//The maximum insertion speed allowed by the device has been reached
accessControlErrorEraseFingerprintFailed286064914//Fingerprint data purge failed when deleting users
accessControlErrorEraseFaceFailed286064915//Face data purging fails when deleting users
accessControlErrorEraseCardFailed286064916// Card data purging fails when deleting users
accessControlErrorNoRecords286064917//record does not exist
accessControlErrorNoMoreRecords286064918//no more records
accessControlErrorDuplicateRecord286064918//The record already exists. The record already exists when the card or fingerprint data is issued.
accessControlErrorExceedMaxFingerPrintsPerUser286064920//Exceeds the maximum number of fingerprints that an user can enroll
accessControlErrorExceedMaxCardsPerUser286064921//Exceeds the maximum number of cards that an user can enroll
accessControlErrorExtractFaceEigenvalueFailed286064922//Failed to extract face feature value
accessControlErrorMaxPhotoFileSizeExceeded286064923//Maximum file size limit exceeded
accessControlErrorMaxFacePhotosExceeded286064924//Exceeded maximum number of face photos
accessControlErrorRelevantUserNotFound286064925//The User corresponding to the data does not exist
accessControlErrorPhotoAlreadyExist286064926//Photo already exists
accessControlErrorInvalidPhotoFormat286064927//The photo is in the wrong format, such as the wrong header of the jpg file
accessControlErrorExceedMaxManagerUser286064928//Exceeded maximum number of administrators
accessControlErrorUserAlreadyExist286064929//User already exists
accessControlErrorCardAlreadyExist286064930//Card number already exists
accessControlErrorFingerprintAlreadyExist286064931//Fingerprint already exists
accessControlErrorCitizenIDNoAlreadyExist286064932//Citizen ID number already exists
accessControlErrorFingerprintDownloadFail286064933// Failed to download fingerprint through URL download method
accessControlErrorNotSupportNormalUser286064934//Does not support issue ordinary users
accessControlErrorAccountInUse286064935//Account is logging in
businessCommonErrorBadRequest268632321///< The state machine of the device, in the C state, the device does not accept the service requests that are only available in the B state.
businessCommonErrorInvalidArgs268632322///The parameter value, quantity, type, range, etc. do not meet the requirements
businessCommonErrorInProgress268632323///The business is being processed, and repeated business requests are not accepted.
businessCommonErrorUnKnownError268632324//An unknown error occurred during business processing
businessCommonErrorNoResource268632325// Insufficient resources during processing of business requests
businessCommonErrorUnSupported268632326//This service is currently not supported
businessCommonErrorTimeout268632327//Business processing timed out
businessCommonErrorTooManyRequests268632328//Too many business requests issued
businessCommonErrorRequestedTooMuchData268632329//Too much data was fetched for the device to process
businessCommonErrorBatchProcessError268632336//An error occurred during the batch execution of the business
businessCommonErrorOperationCancelled268632337//For some reason, the business was canceled
businessCommonErrorDeviceWarmUP268632577//The device is not ready for business processing
businessCommonErrorDeviceInvalid268632578//The device model is incorrect or due to customization, so that further processing cannot be performed
businessCommonErrorDeviceUnavailable268632579//Unable to get device status information
COMPONENT_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND268632064//Component interface not found
COMPONENT_IMPLEMENT_CLASS_NOT_FOUND268632065//Component implementation class not found
CLIENT_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND268632066//Required client component not found
CLIENT_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND268632067//Client instance does not exist
NOT_LOGIN_YET268632068//No login
TRYING_NON_BLOCKING_LOGIN268632069//Non-blocking login, trying
USER_NAME_NOT_VALID268632070//Invalid username
PASSWORD_NOT_VALID268632071//Invalid password
PEER_HAS_BEEN_BLOCKED268632072//Address blocked
PEER_IN_BLACKLIST268632073//Address in blacklist
USER_NAME_HAS_BEEN_USED268632074//Username is already in use and cannot be reused
TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS268632075//Exceeded the maximum number of user connections
AUTHORITY_NOT_ENOUGH268632076//No corresponding operation permission
OBJECT_REATION_FAILED268632077//Component factory failed to create object
GET_INSTANCE_FAILED268632078//Component factory failed to obtain instance
LOGIN_CHALLENGE268632079//Login challenge, need to log in again according to the returned random string
COMPONENT_METHOD_UNIMPLEMENTED268632080//Component interface method not implemented
ACCOUNT_HAS_BEEN_LOCKED268632081//Account locked
LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILED268632082//Network connection failed during login
LOGIN_TIMEOUT268632083//Login connection successful, but response timed out
LOGIN_FAILURE268632084//Login failed, reason unknown
USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD_NOT_VALID268632085//Login failed, username or password incorrect (replaces error code 6, 7)
LOGIN_DATA_NOT_INITIALIZE268632086//Login failed, no user initialized
ADMIN_PASSOWRD_MUST_MODIFIED268632087//Login failed, admin user needs to change password by force
LOGIN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT268632088//Login connection timed out
PASSWORD_OVERDUE268632089//Login failed, password validity expired
DUPLICATE_RECORD286064919//When issuing card or fingerprint data, the record already exists

Tipos de eventos retornados

CodeDescrição do evento
UpgradeEvento ocorre quando o dispositivo inicia uma atualização de firmware
RebootEvento de reinício do dispositivo
BreakInEvento de arrombamento de porta
DoorStatusEvento de status da porta
AlarmLocalEvento de disparo de alarme local
NewFileEvento de cadastro de arquivo no dispositivo
UpdateFileEvento de Atualização de arquivo do dispositivo
DoorNotClosedEvento de porta não fechada
NetworkChangeEvento de alteração de configurações da rede
AccessControlEvento de controle de acesso
KeepLightOn / KeepLightOffEvento referente a luz noturna que se ativa dependendo da iluminação do local
ScreenSaverEvento Referente ao estado da proteção de tela do dispositivo caso esteja configurada.
TimeChangeEvento de alteração de hora do dispositivo normalmente acompanha o BeforeModifyTime e o ModifiedTime
ManagerLogEvento de logs referente a alteração feitas via interface web
Button / ButtonExitEvento referente ao botão de Saida
DuressEvento ocorre quando é realizado a passagem de uma credencial de coação
ChassisIntrudedEvento ocorre quando é realizado a tentativa de intrusão do dispositivo (Remoção da parede/Tamper)